Topic Selection Guide: A List of Top 100 Education Thesis Topics
Your education thesis topic may not be original, but it should be manageable and rich in available literature. Below you’ll find a list of educational topics broken up by major knowledge sections; such as education administration, classroom management, curriculum development, philosophy of education, theories of education, and education of children with special needs.
- The most effective bullying prevention strategies.
- Advantages and disadvantages of year-round schooling.
- A comparative study of education systems in the U.S. and China.
- The most effective strategies for teacher leadership.
- A comparison of Wonderlic tests and standardized tests as means to assess academic performance.
- The effects of a school dress code.
- The commercialization of education: benefits and hazards.
- Should state education standards be unified?
- The impact of political issues on the public education system.
- The Quality School concept.
Classroom Management
- Classroom procedures.
- Education assessment tools.
- EESC projects.
- Peculiarities of kindergarten classrooms.
- The effectiveness of character education programs.
- The role of student behavioral policies in classroom management.
- The impact of classroom management on student behaviors.
- The efficiency of classroom management in reducing student stress.
- The theory and practice of educational games as a means to promote better learning.
- Virtual classroom environment management.
Curriculum Development
- Branches of learning.
- CSCOPE Curriculum.
- Cultural pluralism in curriculum development.
- Curriculum alignment.
- Curriculum implementation.
- Online curriculums.
- The approaches to lesson plan development.
- Liberal education curriculums.
- Spiral curriculums.
- Teaching curriculums.
Philosophy of Education
- Academic honesty.
- Advantages of private schools.
- Affirmative action in schools.
- Bilingual education.
- The definition of humanities.
- Holistic education.
- Inclusion and education.
- The problem of negative parental attitudes toward school.
- Parent involvement.
- Pass-fail grading: should its use be limited?
Education Theories
- Albert Bandura’s theory.
- Brain-based learning.
- Cognitive theory.
- Constructivist learning theory.
- Cooperative learning theory.
- The theoretical background of distant education.
- Howard Gardner’s theory.
- John Dewey’s influence on American education.
- Motivation theory in the classroom.
- The situated learning concept.
Education of Children with Special Needs
- Hearing-impaired education.
- Education of children with dyslexia.
- Education of ESL students.
- Education of gifted students.
- Education of children with learning disabilities.
- History of special education.
- Special education policies in the U.S. and their effectiveness.
- Teaching the visually impaired.
- Teaching autists.
- Teaching children with speech language pathology.
Early and Elementary Education
- Educating infants and toddlers with learning disabilities.
- Issues in early childhood assessments.
- Early literacy.
- The impact of family involvement on academic achievements.
- Early education of children from low-income backgrounds.
- Career development programs in elementary schools.
- Character development programs in elementary schools.
- Addressing learner diversity in elementary schools.
- Challenges of curriculum development in elementary schools.
- Promoting parent volunteering in elementary schools.